Club Shirts coming soon! What i would like to do is come up with a slogan for our Club T-Shirt...kinda like a short one liner of about 5-8 words, lets see who can come up with the best one. To the member who gets the best line and we use it on the T-Shirt i will give them one FREE! So start sending in your slogans to me,
Thanks gang! Until next time happy huntin and see yas when i see yas!
Here are some cool pictures that David aka Vetteboy has drawn for the club to see. Thanks David! I see a young Rat Fink, the boy has talent! Keep up the good work David!
Quote for Today!
"You have to be a Maniac to collect Hotwheels like we do."
Cary's Column will have an update coming up. Got to love them Customs Bud has made for tryouts for next years club car.
Some of the Rarest Cars out there will be coming soon to Acer's Page. Da Ace of Trades!
The sneak peek for the club shirt is on our Recent and Upcoming Events!
Our Club's Guestbook! Take a minute and sign it for us and tell us what you think of our little group.
Well i have been getting some cool Slogans for the shirt, here are a few...