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HotWheel Maniacs Club
Cary's Column




Hey guys,
In my years of collecting I have found that people collect for many different reasons. Some collect certain cars, some collect THs, some collect new stuff, some collect RLs and some collect HTF stuff. But for what ever the reason they all seem to love what they are collecting. This Club we got here seems to collect just as I said. We all collect different types of stuff. I for one have stopped collecting the new stuff in order to find the cars I need to fill my 63 Vette collection and some redlines. Others still chase the newest stuff out. I think this is kool, that way I get to still see the new stuff. Some of us cant hunt as much as we like because of the financial situation we are in. What ever the case may be I have always felt that collecting is and should
be fun! And no matter what we collect we are still collectors. I hope this group sticks together because I still feel the best is yet to come! How? I don't know but I have always been an optimist lol. Later all
